
Showing posts from December, 2020

11 Signs You Should Take Better Care Of Your Vagina

  If you have a vagina, then you already know owning one can be quite the responsibility. Periods come out of them, and sometimes babies. And then there's the whole keeping it clean and healthy thing. If you don't take care of your vagina, and look after its many needs, it can lead to some pretty big health issues. Let's say, for example, you have a tendency to leave tampons in for too long. (Like, over-eight-hours too long.) Not only can this habit lead to an increased risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome, but it can cause other infections, up your chance of foul odors emitting from the region, and create annoying irritation. (All signs you need to take better care of your vagina, btw.) In fact, caring for your lady bits often means caring for your overall health. So consider it of utmost importance. "It's very important to take care of vagina as it's one of the paths through which infection can ascend up and reach the uterus, tubes, ovaries and adjacent pelvic struc

3 Reasons Men Go Absolutely CRAZY For Big, Beautiful Plus-Size Women

   Curves, curves, and more curves. I'm a young, good looking (I've been told this, by women and men), college educated, employed man. And I just so happen to have a preference for plus-size women. Now, I'm betting I'm getting reactions from two "sectors" of readers. The first sector is saying, "So, you think you deserve a medal because you like big women? That's not something you're supposed to brag about. You're actually fat-shaming these by declaring your love for them." The second sector is saying, "You like fat women ... so what? Why write about that?" For those in the first aisle of bleachers, I decided to write about my adoration of curvy women because there may be more than a few of them out there who don't know that there are attractive men who want to date them, or lust after them ... or marry them. In a perfect world, I wouldn't have had to write this article. Women of size wouldn't be treated differently

If You Sleep Naked Tonight, Here’s The Surprising Effect It’ll Have On Your Body!!!

   We all know that sleeping is very important for our overall health. When it comes to proper sleep, is not just the length that comes into question, It is the quality as well. There are many ways how to improve your sleep. Today we will talk about a sleeping technique that less than 10% of Americans practice, which also happens to be extremely beneficial. SLEEPING NAKED WILL IMPROVE YOU PSYCHOLOGICALLY AND PHYSICALLY! Benefits of Sleeping Naked Improves Sleep A recent study proved that people who sleep naked, sleep much better than the ones which prefer to sleep with clothes. Furthermore, the body temperature naturally balances this way. Sleeping with clothes can result in tossing and turning, and have irregular sleeping patterns. On the other hand, sleeping naked will promote the sleep quality and you will sleep like a baby. Prevents Bacteria Sleeping naked can prevent the growth of bacteria and yeast. It will dry out the spots of perspiration and keep the body comfortable. Promote


    Everyone wants to have a perfectly shaped body and proper weight, but this is not something that happens overnight. In order to maintain your weight and look great as well, you need to follow a healthy diet and start exercising regularly. However, you should know that there are many natural ingredients which can prevent the accumulation of fat in your tissues and accelerate your metabolism easily. Today we’re going to show you how to prepare a natural smoothie made of only 2 ingredients – chia seeds and lemon. Health benefits of the lemon and chia smoothie Lemon is a powerful weight loss ingredient that has almost no calories. It possesses powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties that can eliminate bacteria in your body and keep your system clean. It also contains a lot of fiber, which will improve your digestion and clean your intestines, effectively helping you lose weight. The chia seeds are also rich in fiber, and they contain antioxidants as well that can protect your

8 Things Every Woman Must Do After Intercourse

 We never really think about the good and bad things of having intercourse, but the most important thing is to keep the private areas clean and healthy. The infections which usually appear are because of the unhealthy habits of the person. Here are 8 things you need to do after having intercourse. In this way, your private area won’t have infections and it will be healthy! 1 ALWAYS GO TO THE TOILET AFTER INTERCOURSE There can be some bacteria which go into your private parts during intercourse because the area is moist and warm which is what bacteria actually need so that they could multiply. It’s important to pee during the first hour after you’ve had intercourse so that you could avoid a bladder infection that is painful. You’ll flush this area. Don’t forget to wipe it from the front towards the back! This will help you avoid fecal contamination. 2. AVOID HOT BATHTUB SHOWER It’s good to have a shower, but it’s not good to enter into a hot bathtub. The vagina opens up even more becau


 There are multiple telltale clues that someone may be cheating or is at least in the process of doing so! Such as smelling a new perfume in a shirt is a sign and there are also some more obvious signs which demand much more subtle and close eye. Other times a sign could merely be a false alarm, yet they still require additional investigating. Here are some of the trickiest and diverse signs that your partner is cheating and sleeping with someone else. 1.Sex is No Longer Exciting You should gradually consider the possibility they may be getting lucky with someone else if you notice a sudden decline in interest. 2.It’s Not Fun Around You Anymore In various cases, they will be less excited to spend time with you or won’t pay close consideration to your conversations. Like how was your partner in the past? How has he gradually changed? Keep an eye on their actions and analyze them carefully.A lack of excitement may also extend beyond the bedroom. 3.Long Delays in Communication If a compa

If You Have This Feeling At Night – It Might Be Something Serious!

 Statistics have showed that over 5 million people in the United States suffer from moderate to severe form of restless leg syndrome (RLS). Moreover, 1 in 10 adults has this health issue and over one million children of school age have RLS. Here are the common symptoms of RLS. Pain in foot Itching Uncomfortable feelings in the legs Desire for shaking the legs Usually, the symptoms are more experiences during the night. This is not a serious health condition, but it can affect your quality of life and the ability to perform everyday activities. Causes There are two types of symptoms of RLS, primary and secondary. Primary symptoms are hereditary, and the cause is located in the part of the brain which is responsible for monitoring. The secondary form is caused by certain health issues, including pregnancy, anemia, damaged peripheral nerves, impaired kidney function and degenerative disease of the spine. Furthermore, this condition can sometimes occur as a result of using some medication

Put These 2 Ingredients In You Coffee. After Just 2 Sips, Your Belly Fat Will Disappear And Your Metabolism Will Be Faster Than Ever!

 There’s no doubt coffee is the most enjoyed morning drink throughout the world. For one thing, it instantly boosts your energy levels and prepares you for the day ahead. Plus, it packs a number of other health benefits, such as improved metabolism, and when consumed moderately, it protects your heart. But, few people know that you can turn your favorite morning brew into a powerful fat burner by just adding a few common ingredients such as coconut oil, cinnamon and honey. If you mix these ingredients into your coffee, you’ll easily drop a few extra pounds without having to make any dietary or lifestyle changes. Why Is This Combination So Powerful? 1# Cinnamon provides numerous health benefits. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory agent which reduces inflammatory processes in the body. Plus, it’s full of antioxidants meaning it neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals. It also reduces blood sugar levels by increasing blood sugar metabolism. It supports the breakdown of sugar, wh